Jackie Collins on BDSM & Spanking

She may be a bestselling author, but Jackie Collins is totally clueless about BDSM:

“Sex should be fun and equal and erotic,” says Jackie. “It’s not about getting tied up and spanked. My women are not submissive. They’re strong.”

Getting tied up and spanked is neither fun nor erotic? Submissive women are weak? Yuckers…

  1. web-ed commented on October 13th, 2012:

    Jackie never was very bright.

  2. K.. commented on October 14th, 2012:

    Aaargh. I can’t believe that someone actually says a thing like that out loud in today’s world. Completely failing to recognize people’s diversity when it comes to sexuality, that’s just plain stupid. Especially for a writer who can be assumed to have some experience of relating to different kinds of characters and personalities because of the very nature of their work. Unbelievable.

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