Why Nina Likes the Birch

Here’s an excerpt from An Interview With Nina Birch:

What is your favourite implement?

I love hands best although my favourite implement is the birch. I was actually first birched by a woman, a girlfriend who was very experienced I immediately felt an infinity with the implement and it has remained my preferred corporal punishment sensation. I have also introduced a few people to it, as it is not often used today. I like the way it can feel very different depending on how each individual birch is made, i.e. the age and texture of the switches their length. I also love the sound of the birch, the lovely ‘swish’ through the air and the ‘whoosh’ as it hits my bottom. I love to be birched all over my bottom with fast continuous but light strokes. These should build up in intensity until my whole bottom is tingling and glowing. Then at the end a few hard individual strokes. Anyone who hasn’t experienced a lengthy birching doesn’t know what they are missing! I like the thought of maybe wearing Victorian split knickers with lots of petticoats which would be ceremoniously pulled up before a long birching.

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A "Punished Delinquents In Tears" Movie:

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"...a heavy round wooden paddle with a hole in the middle that leaves fearsome red bruises. And then the shaking girls with beaten butts and tearful faces receive another terrible punishment..."