Spanking and Her G-Spot

The recent ErosBlog post on female ejaculation links to this lengthy discussion on methods of G-spot stimulation and how to get lots and lots of of yummy orgasms therefrom. That’s a worthy topic for anybody who likes orgasms (and who doesn’t?) but for our purposes the really good part comes six pages into the discussion, with a post on combining G-Spot orgasms (the author calls ’em G-Gasms) and spanking:

For anybody who has tried the GSpot technique and found that it works AND likes a spanking now and then – COMBINE the TWO.

A good OTK and every 10 swats or so give her two to five rapid G-Gasms and then 10 swats. Alternate that back and forth. Keep it rapid and frenzied, pull her hair, lock only one leg down so she can kick the other around, keep one arm firmly over the small of her back so she feels (and IS ) trapped and can’t get away. MAKE her submit just a little longer than she wants to. She’ll be screaming and begging you to stop. Don’t. Part of the thrill for her is NOT knowing if you’ll just keep going until she goes completely nutz or passes out from the intensity. I don’t think most women can continue this for more than two or three minutes once they start having G-Gasms. It is just too intense. The spanking combines the kinkiness and submission AND the GSpot orgasms can be administered almost like spanks…”WHAT did you call me? OK – That’s TEN more!!” It is awesome.

Fair warning: Before and after the quoted post there are some ignorant whinings from people who don’t approve of erotic spankings. I expect none of my readers will give that nonsense any more credence than it deserves.

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"...and then the spanking starts. Brutal, totally uncompromising. You have never heard screams and shrieks as terrible as these..."