101 Things

No, sillies, not about me. This is one of those BDSM articles that are so easy to stumble over when surfing the kinkier bits of the internet: “101 Ideas To Make Your Slave Feel Owed (i.e., Loved)“.

Number 67 is actually on topic: “On Your birthday, let her receive Your spankings.” Hey, that could entirely rejuvenate the concept of birthday spankings for me.

More seriously, the list as a whole is a bit odd. Not being submissive, I must confess that some of the items read more like a prescription for justifiable homicide than anything else. Others are surely fun for master and slave alike. But the one that truly boggled my mind was this one, Number 32:

Instruct her that she may never get herself something to eat or drink in Your presence without first asking You if You want something.

Huh? Who in the world doesn’t say “Honey, you want a soda while I’m up?” as they toodle off toward the fridge? Isn’t that, like, basic politeness? Wow, what a concept: Make your slave be polite to you! Kinky!

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