Stirring Up A Tawse Spanking

I’m pleased to discover that the last post inspired some serious holiday spanking. Majesty’s wench reports:

Majesty wore me out yesterday morning before He went to work. I had asked Him if He would beat me on New Years Eve (ringing in the New Year, setting the tone, you know?) and He asked if anyone was awake. When I said no, He told me He would beat me right then. Well, I wasn’t ready to be beaten right then, and told Him. Which only made Him more determined to do it. I didn’t protest over-much though (not enough to make Him angry with me), took my position on the bed and presented my bottom to Him. He used the tawse on me, and He was not nice with it. I asked Him the other day if He could make pretty stripes like those on the ‘well oiled girl’ on SpankBoss’s site, and He said then that I couldn’t take it, to which I replied that I thought I could. So, yesterday morning, He was of the mind to find out whether I could or not. I squirmed some, and moved some, and squealed some, but I took it. Then I told Him I was mad at Him for being mean. I was being petulant. But He fixed it, and I was OK. Now I can’t wait for Him to tear me up again, only worse this time. I seriously am confusing, I think.

All I can say is “Pictures! We want pictures!” {evil grin}

  1. wench commented on March 10th, 2005:

    You want pictures, Sir? I’m trying to convince Majesty to wear me out again and take pictures this time. He’s contemplating it, anyway. We shall see……..

  2. SpankBoss commented on March 10th, 2005:

    Oh, yes, pictures are necessary! And if your blog doesn’t offer you enough layers of anonymity between you and your striped bottom on the internet, I’ll be happy to publish them here. Honest! :)

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Reform School Collective Punishment Movie:

Detention House 3: Delinquent Girls Spanked Amazingly Hard

before and after brutal caning photo
"...the girls are prepared in the reformatory’s punishment room, naked, lying on their backs on special benches, bound with their legs spread above their heads, shamefully showing the two holes usually hidden..."