Still Yet Another Movie Spanking

Here’s a publicity still of W.C. Fields spanking Gracie Allen with his cane. I don’t know what movie this is from, but it looks entertaining!

W.C. Fields spanking Gracie Allen

Update: Vanilla Spanking resolves a slow dispute in my comments: this is from International House. In a larger version of the photo, you can even see the hand-written label:

gracie allen spanked

  1. Ancient commented on April 30th, 2008:

    The film was “International House,” made in 1933. Although I am not ancient enough to remember it, I’ve seen this picture before, and I’m pretty sure it was represented as a publicity still, not a scene. But, not having seen the movie, I can’t be sure that was true.

    One thing I am sure of is that a goodly number “movie spankings” appeared in the lobby posters but not in the movies. Hollywood hucksters have apparently always known that Spanking Sells.

  2. Hans commented on May 17th, 2022:

    i heard it was from the movie ” The Pharmacist ” but as well i am not sure about it.
    Hans from Germany

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Reform School Collective Punishment Movie:

Detention House 3: Delinquent Girls Spanked Amazingly Hard

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"...the girls are prepared in the reformatory’s punishment room, naked, lying on their backs on special benches, bound with their legs spread above their heads, shamefully showing the two holes usually hidden..."