Traffic for Spanking Websites

If you’ve got a spanking or BDSM website that needs more traffic (and who doesn’t like more traffic?) you might be interested to learn that I’ve started a little toplist for all kinds of spanking, bondage, and BDSM sites: Spanking You Spanking Toplist.

Right now traffic is still fairly small (coming mostly from here and from some spanking TGPs, toplists, and freesites that have traded links and traffic with me in the past) but anybody can sign up and (unless your site is bigger than this one) probably get more traffic back than you send. Plus I hope the thing will grow, so get in early why don’t you? Kinky blogs and journals are very welcome, if you don’t mind rubbing shoulders with spanking porn sites. Besides, toplists are one of the last places where it’s easy to show off your spiffy banner! (You do have a spiffy banner, right?)

If you are new to toplists, the idea is that the more traffic you send, the higher on the list your link and banner appears, and so the more traffic you get in return. In practice, however, if you send three clicks and are sitting down near the bottom of the list, you still get some traffic back, generally quite a lot more than the three clicks you sent. Since people tend to click more than one banner on a toplist, it works like a traffic multiplier; ideally, everybody gets more traffic than they send. And even on a bad toplist where you send more than you get, the folks you send have already seen your site and the folks you get haven’t seen it yet, so it’s still a good trade.

  1. Invidia commented on March 10th, 2005:

    I try not to nag. Really, I do. Perhaps someone other than I should encourage my darling to get our Java scripting in order so that I may submit my site without shame. But who? Who could do that?

    Best. . .

  2. Spankboss commented on March 10th, 2005:

    But Invidia dear, you don’t need any javascripting to join my toplist. All you need is a banner, and isn’t that a job for the artist in the family? Hmmm? ;)

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Reform School Collective Punishment Movie:

Detention House 3: Delinquent Girls Spanked Amazingly Hard

before and after brutal caning photo
"...the girls are prepared in the reformatory’s punishment room, naked, lying on their backs on special benches, bound with their legs spread above their heads, shamefully showing the two holes usually hidden..."