Amber’s Reassurance Spanking

So yesterday Amber got a reassurance spanking:

Dan announced, “I want you over my lap”.

I stared at him, not sure I heard correctly and answered, “Huh?”

Or maybe it was “Whaa?” Can’t remember now.

“You heard me.” he said. “Get over my lap. Now.”

I asked, “What have I done?” He said I had done nothing wrong, he just wanted to slap my ass a bit. For his own pleasure. And to make sure I understood what’s what and who is who.

So I hesitatingly positioned myself across his naked lap and he gave me a reassurance/authoritative spanking, lovingly and slowly, rubbing my cheeks between each SMACK and telling me how much he loved me.

Which it would seem she needed after that one the other day that didn’t go so well. Even if it did lead to a fun discussion between Bethie and me about what countries in Europe I should spank onto her bottom.

  1. Amber commented on March 10th, 2005:

    So, SpankBoss, did you and Bethie discover any other countries? ;-)

  2. SpankBoss commented on March 10th, 2005:

    No, but not for lack of trying….

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A "Punished Delinquents In Tears" Movie:

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