Spanking Blog Inspires A Spanking

Well, that’s what my email says. An anonymous reader sent me this:

I enjoyed your site and told my husband about it too. What I didn’t realize is that it gave him an idea about my losing things.

That evening we went downstairs and he told me to face the corner and think of the reasons why I was going to receive my spanking. I’ve never been sent to corner to stand even as a child. Then he call me over to him and asked me what I thought about in the corner. I told him various thought ran thru my head, but most of all losing my diamond and knowing my glasses fell on the floor and I didn’t take time to pick them up before you accidentally stepped on them, and not looking for a new job.

He then told me that I was going to be soundly spanked for being careless and after my spanking he had a real sting of a surprise for me.

Now he told me to lie flat on couch with my clothes off. He put several pillows under my stomach so my butt was positioned higher in the air. He proceed to take his belt out of his pants and applied it to my ass. It stung like hell, he kept it up for several minutes and all of a sudden stop and asked me if the belt was easier to take then being careless about my belongings. I told him definitely not, in between tears.

Then he proceed to spank my butt with his hands several times and ask me if I had enough and I was able to say “YES” between the sobbing. Once again he told me to stand in the corner and not touch my burning butt. A little while later he called me over and told he loved me but to bend over the armrest of the couch for my surprise.

He told me that I was going to receive 20 more swats and that I was to count each one out, if I miscounted he would start back at one again. The last 20 swats I received was with a wooden hairbrush — to my surprise, the same one I use for my hair.

My spanking was over for good now. He told me to upstairs and shower and that he would be up to put ice on my butt to help the bruises. Then he put me to bed.

The next day he caught me on a lie and bent me over the kitchen table for another 30 with his belt. I couldn’t sit for the longest time without it hurting me.

The moral of this spanking is not to be careless and not to lie. I’ll remember this for quite a while. Hope I don’t receive another spanking, especially if he is upset.

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