These Are Not The Spanking Personals

As you may imagine, we get letters. Many are delightful. Others are confusing. A few are disgusting. And some are just … odd.

Here are two recent letters, reproduced as nearly as possible exactly as they were received, personal information partially redacted out of pity. Letter the first:

wher are all the woman who no how to give a good spanking.
they sure are hard to xxxxxxx in portland oregon

503 xxx xxxx. i am 40 year old and in good shape and single 5 10 185 lbs

Letter the second:

To whom it may concern
I have a 33 year old who is very bad
I wanted to know if you know anyone who would spank her or anyone who will show her
how to spank herself.
Thank you from Xxxxxxx

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Spanking Blog is not a personals site. Your better bet would be to either take my earlier advice, or go the other route and use

Either way, you’ll want to put a bit more effort into those initial contacts. Believe it or not, punctuation and capitalization actually matter.

  1. Elissa commented on March 10th, 2005:


  2. Invidia commented on March 10th, 2005:


    I will be happy to spank them both, so please send them my way. The grammar and spelling alone are reason enough to warrant punishment, let alone the improper use of Spanking Blog as a place to find a partner.

    ::Rubbing my pixels together in anticipation::

    Let me at them!


  3. Confused commented on March 10th, 2005:

    I’m sure being as heavy as 510185 lbs doesn’t count as being in good shape ;-)

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How It Started And How It's Going, The Movie:

Wild Party 2: Five Very Sorry Girls

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