Surfer-Hostile Spanking Websites

I just concluded an email exchange with a spanking paysite owner who shall remain nameless. He had a couple sites listed on my spanking directory, and he’d written in asking me to list a third. When I opened his site in a new window, I noticed that it ignored my default new window size and yanked my window to full-screen. Worse yet, in my browser, that means all new windows will open full-screen until I carefully resize a window back to my preferred default smaller size, and then close the window using the menu (rather than clicking the little x as I usually do.) Upon inspection, it became clear that he had a little javascript on all his pages, for the sole purpose of requiring you to view his pages full-screen whether you wanted to, or not.

After he listed the second of his sites, I sent him a polite note asking him to please consider removing the hostile javascript. No answer. When he asked about listing site number three, I inquired again whether he would remove the hostile javascript from his pages. I explained my concerns in greater detail than I’ve done here, being as pleasant and polite as I know how to be.

His response?

I do understand your concerns but it is there for a reason. We get the
majority of our traffic from top lists and I want every visitor to the index
page to be able to automatically see the buttons to the top lists lower down
the index page. I do want to keep this one piece of code as we do not use
any other form of hostile code,popups etc.

In plain English, that means “I don’t mind jerking around your surfers because it helps me get more traffic and make more money.”

Well, fine. But he won’t be making any money off people coming from my sites. Needless to say, we aren’t exchanging links any more.

Bah, I had better stop before I start ranting.

  1. Ayzad commented on March 10th, 2005:


  2. Invidia commented on March 10th, 2005:

    Rant on brother!

    While we’re at it can I mention No Right-click codes and comments features which require you to sign up for a membership?! Egad!

  3. zoom commented on March 10th, 2005:

    dont worrie SpankBoss yer totatly in the right, on this one at least.

  4. zoom commented on March 10th, 2005:

    Inviedia is right
    Rant on!!!
    thats why you have a goddamn BLOG righ?

    i think i can speak for a bunch o’ spankos when is say that
    has the best quality
    culture of spanking .
    out there.
    dont let the greedy corperations yang yer chain

  5. Elissa commented on March 10th, 2005:

    thank you for caring about the quality of your links and for your readers. I do appreciate it. :-)

  6. Confused commented on March 10th, 2005:

    THANK YOU! (yes, shouting it, but in a good, happy kinda way) I really hate it when people think that’s the best way to present their site.

    Disabling the option to right click is laughable – it offers no real protection at all for your site. And is very offputting – especially as it tends to be coupled with very patronising little comments.

    The comments one is plain daft (Invidia – you’re talking about Blogger, yes?) – you have to sign up in order to leave anonymous comments!

    *looks embarrassed, steps down* Soap box anyone?

  7. TheBoss commented on March 10th, 2005:

    I can grab an image from a site no matter what is done to ‘protect’ it. If it can be seen on your computer, you can save it! It’s just the slightest bit harder. What is more likely to happen, however, is that I never go back to the site ever again.

  8. Anonymous commented on March 10th, 2005:

    Thankyou for caring for your readers!

  9. Paul commented on March 10th, 2005:

    As a fellow blogger, I agree wholeheartedly. I would remove such a reciprocal link, also, if I knew of such an arrangement. No one has the right to inject or insist on specific script on your blog except you! Rant on!

    Paul (LaFessee)

  10. Pru commented on March 10th, 2005:

    I won’t link either my bloggin site or any of my other sites to any site using hostile pop ups. The kinds that reappear with an even more vulgar version in a never ending loop. No, sir-ee!



  11. shimmer commented on March 10th, 2005:

    Most appreciated. Thank you.

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