Like She Didn’t See That Coming

It sounds like Claire has herself a treasure in her “A”, who knows all the good reasons for giving spankings:

The motel cottage was perfect. No phone, no dataport, a beautiful ocean view (photos to follow), peace and calm, weather to die for. When we finally arrived, A had a good spanking reserved for me too, for no particular reason except that it had been awhile since the last one.

What entertained me more, however, was the tale of how she got into one of those “I was expecting…” snits (women and their unvoiced expectations, what’s up with that?) and got lippy:

Me, cooly: “Do whatever you want.”
A: “Stop acting that way right now!”
Me: “You stop acting that way… “

A: “What way am I acting?”

Me: (here comes sheer stupidity) “like a noodle.”

You know what happened next, sure as thunder follows lightning. Can you say “switched in the sagebrush by the side of the road?” I knew you could.

Next time he might just pick a quiet stretch of road and bend her over the trunk of the car. The price always goes up….

  1. Spankboss commented on March 10th, 2005:

    Hey, you’re the one who keeps buying bigger and bigger wooden spoons!

  2. Claire commented on March 10th, 2005:

    I was under the impression that when guys earned spanking rights they necessarily became mindreaders. No?

    And, spanking INFLATION!?! what’s up with THAT?

  3. Bethie commented on March 10th, 2005:

    Please don’t get SpankBoss started thinking about inflation! I’m quite happy with the current level of spanking around here – I’ve had a tender bottom ever since he came home with those new toys he found! :)

  4. Claire commented on March 10th, 2005:

    Sounds like those spoons are stirring up a hornet’s nest (sorry for the shameless pun): maybe you two need to take a vacation somewhere TOGETHER?

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Bondage Ass Beatings Movie:

Detention House 3: Severely Punished Delinquent Girls

before and after brutal caning photo
"...and then the spanking starts. Brutal, totally uncompromising. You have never heard screams and shrieks as terrible as these..."