Pouting From A Spanking

I like this pouting face:

pouting face

From a now-defunct Girls Boarding School gallery.

  1. lashes commented on March 10th, 2005:

    I don’t like this pic. Lashes on the bottom are hot; fake lashes on the eyelids are not!

    plus, how do you know she’s even getting spanked?

    that’s just my take on it.

  2. Spankboss commented on March 10th, 2005:

    Whatever you say about the lashes — spotting women’s facial prosthetics is not my speciality.

    As for knowingh she’s being spanked, clicking through and viewing the gallery makes that plain enough.

  3. slave faith commented on March 10th, 2005:

    Hell, even I want to spank her seeing that pouty face! LOL!

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