Spanking Traffic

How would you like to trade traffic with a bunch of spanking-related websites? If that sounds good, you should consider signing up to trade with my spanking toplist.

If toplists are new to you, the basic idea is a list of links (usually with banners) that every participating member links to. The people who send the most hits get ranked highest on the page, and (in theory) get more hits back. Because people click on more than one link at the toplist, it serves as a traffic multiplier; done right, everybody gets back more traffic than they send.

I originally set up my toplist to try and expand the traffic to Spanking Blog, back when I didn’t have very many readers. And it worked fairly well, at first. Unfortunately, toplists are vulnerable to cheating; there are a dozen ways to send fake hits, get ranked dishonestly high, and skim the traffic from the honest participants. Because I was using free software that lacked anti-cheat features, my toplist eventually attracted cheaters. You could see it just by looking at the numbers; the “hits in” numbers at the top of the page were immensely bigger than the “hits out” numbers, because most of the “hits in” were fake, having been generated by click-bots.

Well, I rocked along for awhile just by deleting the most obvious cheaters, but it wasn’t enough. So finally I bit the bullet, upgraded to the paid-for professional version of the toplist script, and got serious about weeding out the cheaters. I had to set up a gateway page and turn on a bunch of anti-cheat features, after which it quickly became clear who the cheaters were. They’re gone now, and you can see at a glance that the toplist is healthy again. Everybody is getting more traffic than they send.

All sorts of web pages are welcome, from blogs to journals to home pages to pay sites. If you have a page with a spanking or BDSM theme, you should give it a try. It actually works best for people with tiny sites; sending one or two hits is enough to get you on the list for a couple of weeks, and even WAAAY down at the bottom of the list, you’ll still probably get fifty or more return visitors in that time.

(Another good toplist for adult blogs of all sorts is Cunning Linguists. )

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