Talking Her Way Out Of A Spanking

Don’t you think it’s just cute as kittens when they try to talk their way out of an inevitable spanking? Mija (from the excellent new Punishment Book) managed to rack up a hundred and thirty eight bucks worth of overdue library book fines at a time when money was tight. Then she tried to talk her way out of her punishment. It didn’t work:

“I think we’re going to need to have a little discussion about this tonight, Mija.”

I tried, gently, to point out we had already been discussing it and perhaps the matter could now be considered closed. Pablo was not convinced. I reminded him that there were people on the newsgroup who would appreciate the chance to take my place. He agreed there might be, but that I was the one he was expecting. (Personally I think a whipping boy or girl would be an ideal addition to our household.)

“At 6:00 PM, not one minute afterwards, I want to find you waiting in that corner in a white tee-shirt, navy knickers, white ankle socks and your hair in a pony tail.”

“But the blue ones are too tight.”


From his reply, I suspected he already knew that. My stomach turned over and I started to tear up a little. Pab held me tight and absently stroked my hair. After a few minutes, I had to speak (again, silence is hard when I’m nervous). I told him I was sorry.

“I know you are, sweetie.”

“So, um, what are you thinking about?”

Lame question, I know. And Pab always says “nothing.” Except, he didn’t.

“I’m thinking about what I’m going to do to you.”

Eeep! I think I fainted.

Thanks to Paul for the link.

  1. Kimmie commented on March 10th, 2005:


  2. Erika commented on March 10th, 2005:

    Mija, I feel your pain *literally* ;)

  3. sandy commented on March 10th, 2005:

    I read that story a while back and just loved it.
    I managed to get libary fines of œ68. But no one to spank me.Which I needed.

  4. Mija commented on March 10th, 2005:

    Thank you for the link and I’m glad you like our blog, even though your lack of sympathy stung! ;)

  5. Spankboss commented on March 10th, 2005:

    Sympathy? :lol: I’m not big on punishment spankings or counting pennies either one, but those were some epic and pointless library fines….

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