Women In Prison

Do you like those old women-in-prison movies? Unfortunately, most of them only hinted at the punishments our heroine would suffer at the hands of the brutal butch prison guards. Not so in this shoot from Whipped Ass, where a female prisoner makes the mistake of grabbing at one of her guards through the bars. First she gets

hooker caned in jail

And then she gets handcuffed and flogged:

hooker flogged in jail

Her troubles are only beginning….

  1. Matt commented on March 19th, 2005:

    While it certainly looks like spanking is the main theme here, I couldn’t help but notice the great shot of the gal getting her tits flogged. While not as popular as bottoms, a lot of folks really get into breast punishment and tit torture, so your equalizing shot is greatly appreciated.

  2. SpankBoss commented on March 19th, 2005:

    Thanks, Matt, glad you liked it!

  3. Acapella commented on March 20th, 2005:

    I want to know WHAT prison allows fur coats… Is it the one Martha Stuart was in?

  4. Jimbo commented on March 20th, 2005:

    Wow, lurve that prison uniform – though surely those boots can’t be standard prison issue?
    Great to have you back SpankBoss, by the way!

  5. Nadz commented on March 27th, 2005:

    damn that’s hot!

  6. Maelette commented on March 30th, 2005:

    This truly is one of the best opportunities to say, watch the wardrobe. If it isn’t believable, the show suffers for it, no matter how good the script might be. I truly wish that if I published some of my best stories for film that I would be able to have control over the wardrobe and settings. I believe porn should be brought into the quality film world where reality bites, stings, and the sounds are true to the ear. If I’m watching someone get spanked with high heals on I would at least loose one shoe. For sure I would want to lose some control when I’m dominated.
    I do like the idea of the prisoner punishment and ‘titillation’ happening at the bars!

  7. spanky commented on June 16th, 2007:

    Hmmm, Paris’s fate???

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