Spanking Ads From South Africa

This link from South Africa (mailed to me by a reader) features fashion advertisements showing men and women in poses (and with photoshopped skin tinting) suggestive of recent spankings. Entertaining– although, predictably, the ad featuring a spanked woman drew a storm of protest, while the ad featuring a spanked man did not.

  1. Timory commented on March 22nd, 2005:

    HOT guy — and as much as I like spanking pics, hot guys can be hard to come across in this genre…..

  2. Spanking Blog » Blog Archive » Another Spanking Game commented on March 23rd, 2005:

    […] ) Another Spanking Game The same fashion company that ran these spanking ads has a semi-lame flash spanking game on […]

  3. Burninglash commented on September 24th, 2005:

    I think the problem in South Africa is that there is a lot of focus on abuse of women and spanking adverts are seen as promoting abuse. Sadly the understanding of spanking and BDSM in South Africa is that its depraved and sick. Its going to take a while for the general public to understand that this is a lifestyle choice that has nothing to do with abuse. We ahve a wonderful constitution that allows for freedom of sexual orientation and in time spanking/bdsm will be understodd as such.

  4. SPANKBOS2 commented on December 23rd, 2011:

    I agree with Burninglash, nothing sick about it, just good fun, a lifestyle.

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Wild Party 2: Five Very Sorry Girls

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