No Comment (Brief Rant)

Somebody recently posted the Spanking Blog background art (Invidia’s lovely work, for the use of which I shall be eternally grateful) on their blog, with suitable compliments. I went to comment and give Invidia her props, and discovered that the blog in question was only allowing comments from people who first register with Blogger.

Sorry, but SCREW that. I’ve already got forty or fifty web passwords, there’s no way I’m memorizing another one just to comment on somebody’s blog. It also makes me less likely to link there, because it’s just too damn reader-unfriendly.

Blog comment spam is a pain in the ass. Trust me, I know. But that’s the wrong answer.

  1. slapass commented on March 24th, 2005:

    I agree, the whole point of being interactive is that we can leave a note on the blog quickly and easily. Make it harder and no one will do it.

  2. Natty commented on March 24th, 2005:

    The blogger in question may not realize he or she has their setting set to “only registered users” as I think that’s the default setting on Blogger. A couple of weeks ago Blogger had a post on the dashboard (the place where those of us using Blogger access our blog(s)) saying that they’ve changed it so anyone can post a comment, BUT I think the blogger has to be aware to go in and change the settings to allow anyone to post a comment. So far I haven’t had any problems with non-Blogger users posting to my blog.

    And yes, if I have to register to use ONE MORE THING online I’m going to freekin scream!

  3. Invidia commented on March 26th, 2005:

    Thanks for the kind words Spankboss. It was my sincere pleasure to create the art for you and see it here when I drop by for a visit. I’m glad that you and others enjoy it. May I ask the URL of the blog in question? I’d like to drop by there and see what they wrote about me. (Ego? What ego?)

    And I agree with you about the password thing too. I’m fed up with having to register with every service that comes down the pike just to make a comment. (Or to post a message, read a message, see a picture, look at the whole article, view the archives . . . and whatever else they’ll think of password-protecting next.)



  4. Spanking Blog » Blog Archive » Ranting Redux commented on April 5th, 2005:

    […] Of Meris Caning The Wrong Side » Ranting Redux This closed comments nuisance is turning into a plague. If I can&#8217 […]

Bondage Ass Beatings Movie:

Detention House 3: Severely Punished Delinquent Girls

before and after brutal caning photo
"...and then the spanking starts. Brutal, totally uncompromising. You have never heard screams and shrieks as terrible as these..."