Anime Girl Punishment

This looks like an entertaining Japanese title. Can anybody out there confirm if it’s as amusing as the very promising cover suggests it might be?

punishment of anime girl

From Usenet.

Update: A reader emails that “If you’re going to buy it to see spankings you’ll be very, very disappointed. That is because there isn’t a single spanking taking place. The general plot of the movie is this. A teacher who no student is respecting is set up for a cruel joke/hoax and the five girls who set him up get punished for it. However the punishment have more to do with bondage/sex and nothing to do with spanking.”

  1. Julia commented on May 3rd, 2005:

    Mmmmm…..the belt across the bottom of the cover…

  2. Jodima commented on May 3rd, 2005:

    I’m not usually a fan of anime, but I can be persuaded if they were more like this…

  3. Daniel commented on May 3rd, 2005:

    here is the DVD

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