Bethie Got A Caning

Bethie got a good hard caning today — 21 strong strokes with our basic rattan cane. Earned and deserved, and lots more fun to deliver than they were to receive, I’m sure. She thanked me properly after, too, so it’s been a good day.

Now she’s shifting uneasily from cheek to cheek in her computer chair. She keeps whimpering and I keep chuckling. She wants sympathy and isn’t getting it. Kisses, lotion, rubbing — those she got. But she earned every one of her cane strokes and so her “But it hurts!” just makes me smile.

I believe she’s going to blog about it soon on her blog. But if she doesn’t, you have my encouragement to pester her until she does!

  1. hbspanker commented on July 26th, 2005:

    i love when couples write about spanking they give / receive on their own blogs!!!!!

  2. patty commented on July 30th, 2005:

    Evil diabolical spanker. LOLOLOLOL

  3. Spanking Blog » Blog Archive » Stereotypical Spanking Offense commented on September 8th, 2005:

    […] Haron, take heart. It could be worse. In July I had to cane Bethie for running our vehicle completely out of gasoline. (Her account is here.) I think I’ve seen at least as many banal spanking stories covering “forgot to gas the car” as I have for “forgot to mail the check”. […]

  4. samita commented on January 7th, 2006:

    I want to know from expereinced spanking givers and takers – what is the best way (or differnet methods) to reduce the pain of spanking. What shud be the frequency of spanking for maximum pain, what shud be the post spanking care one shud take.

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Bondage Ass Beatings Movie:

Detention House 3: Severely Punished Delinquent Girls

before and after brutal caning photo
"...and then the spanking starts. Brutal, totally uncompromising. You have never heard screams and shrieks as terrible as these..."