Spankings And Tears

Although it’s been my experience in real life that a spanko girl can squeeze out a few tears pretty much on demand (waves at Bethie), it’s nonetheless rare in spanking porn to find tears in the photoset. I suppose spanking studio sessions often aren’t that intense, or perhaps producers are fearful that tears would be misinterpreted as a sign that the model got more than she bargained for. Whatever the reason, the nice OTK spanking session in this gallery got my attention, because it ends with a very pretty tearful face.

intense hand spanking

spanked girl with tears in her eyes

From VIP Spanking Pass.

  1. Haron commented on February 8th, 2006:

    Really? Bethie can cry on demand? Wow, what a useful skill. In my vast (ahem) experience that’s pretty rare.

    The problem with tears in spanking porn is often that the size of a clip on the screen is so tiny that it’s hard to tell whether the girl is actually crying or just dry-sobbing. And by the time they get around to taking stills, tears are definitely gone.

    So yeah, nice catch with that picture up there.

  2. Dan Duffy commented on February 8th, 2006:

    She goes by the name of Lisa. She has 5 or 6 “sessions” at Girl’s Boarding School, and in each of them her reactions are very heartfelt. She appears to be one of those wonderful spankos for whom the experience of being spanked is emotionally cathartic. Very genuine and sincere reactions. I’m a big fan of this site. Can you tell? :-)

  3. Bethie commented on February 9th, 2006:

    Eeeep! Tell off on me will ya? ;-)

    Haron, it’s obviously not much of a skill if he can tell it’s not real! LOL

  4. Le divin commented on February 13th, 2006:

    poor girl, let’s comfort her now ;)

  5. Justin commented on February 17th, 2006:


  6. irelands commented on February 19th, 2006:

    Hmmm…. my own experience with tears is that they flow pretty freely and fast when I’m in the right mindset. If a spanking is being met out as a punishment, it is usually accompanied by a strict lecture and an embarrassing conversation which can sometimes get the tears started before the session even begins! Am I an anomaly?

  7. Spanking Blog » Blog Archive » Getting Spanked, Dramatically commented on March 20th, 2006:

    […] The last time I posted spanking pictures from VIP Spanking Pass, the topic was spankee tears. Well, as any man can tell you, when comes to a woman’s tears, they come in flavors and varieties. And one variety is very distinct: the “look at me, I want your attention and sympathy and cuddling” type of tears. […]

  8. Calico commented on April 27th, 2006:

    I burst into tears once on a set, mostly just out of sheer surprise at a new electrical toy. They immediately stopped filming and ran over with tissues. Seems their billing company won’t process anything with tears. I actually felt bad for crying, and didn’t do it again. :)

    Too bad, really; girls look so fetching when they cry. There should be more porn like that.

  9. Alebeard commented on April 29th, 2006:

    Im In lust

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A "Punished Delinquents In Tears" Movie:

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