The Marquis de Sade’s Cocoa Habit

A while back I published a cute spanking graphic that appeared to link the Marquis de Sade to the consumption of cocoa:

cocoa spanking

At that time I speculated: “Apparently the Marquis enjoyed a little pick-me-up with his flagellation?”

Apparently, indeed. Thanks are due to an alert reader, who wrote in with this excerpt from Maurice Lever’s biography of the Marquis:

The marquis de Sade’s palate was most keenly excited by pastry and sweets. [. . .] Chocolate inspired an irresistible passion. He loved it in all its forms: in cream, in cakes, in ice cream, in bars: “I asked… for a cake with icing,” he wrote his wife, “but I want it to be chocolate and black inside from chocolate as the devil’s ass is black from smoke. And the icing is to be the same.”

[Lever, Maurice. Sade: A Biography. English translation by
Arthur Goldhammer. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux,

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Reform School Collective Punishment Movie:

Detention House 3: Delinquent Girls Spanked Amazingly Hard

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"...the girls are prepared in the reformatory’s punishment room, naked, lying on their backs on special benches, bound with their legs spread above their heads, shamefully showing the two holes usually hidden..."