Punished Girls Holding Canes

I’m showing you these caning pictures from Lupus Spanking because the pictures feature an amusing conceit I’ve not seen before. Notice how the miscreants against the wall are holding their canes between their clenched bottom cheeks until it’s their turn?

girls against the wall holding canes between their bottom cheeks

I especially like this one, in which the girl on the right hastily readjusts her cane when nobody’s looking at her:

girl adjusts the cane between her sweet butt cheeks

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  1. Phoenix commented on April 6th, 2006:

    ahhh group punishments, something truely lovely. A scene I wish some company would film comes from a story I read once where an entire girl’s field hockey team is punished for fighting with the other team.
    Well..one can dream

  2. Rick commented on April 7th, 2006:

    I sort of thought the punishment block and restraints were equally interesting.

  3. Kristie commented on April 12th, 2006:

    Group punishments are great. Holding the canes is a VERY bright idea. I never thought of that.

  4. walter commented on July 27th, 2008:

    what a joy it would be to be this school’s headmaster.

  5. Humiliations, Galore! - Spanking Blog commented on December 21st, 2010:

    […] blogged once before about the Lupus Spankings movie where the girls to be punished were required to stand naked against […]

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Reform School Collective Punishment Movie:

Detention House 3: Delinquent Girls Spanked Amazingly Hard

before and after brutal caning photo
"...the girls are prepared in the reformatory’s punishment room, naked, lying on their backs on special benches, bound with their legs spread above their heads, shamefully showing the two holes usually hidden..."