See, Proper Posture DOES Matter

Did you ever have one of those insane teachers (or, worse yet, an insane parent) who thought that your posture was somehow linked to your ability to learn or read or study? Always riding you to sit up straight, put your feet flat on the floor, or whatever?

Well, now we have evidence (testimony from Mija) that proper posture does indeed make one see things more clearly:

I apologized and it seemed to be over.

Seemed to be over until about 12 hours later when I was being held firmly over his knee. I apologized again. It’s funny how clearly in the wrong I can feel from this position.

  1. Sarah commented on July 12th, 2006:

    Lol, try being a dancer! I had a teacher who would come by and smack you with this rod thing if you weren’t standing straight enough. To this day I sit/stand straight as a pole most of the time and freak out if I find myself slouching.

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blubbering blonde with a beaten ass
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