A Pretty Grimace

Bethie says I have strange opinions about what’s cute. But a pretty girl with her face all squinched up — how could this not be cute?

spanked girl grimacing in pain

Of course she’s getting spanked, just as she should be. From Real Spankings.

  1. AJ commented on September 13th, 2006:

    “Of course she’s getting spanked, just as she should be”?? How do you know this? She could be a very, very good girl.

    Yeah, right …

  2. SpankBoss commented on September 13th, 2006:

    What, good girls don’t need spankings too?

    I say they need more. Because they are obviously up to something.

  3. Bethie commented on September 15th, 2006:

    Spankboss puts this theory into play every day. I’m good and I get spankings all the time. ;-)

  4. SpankBoss commented on September 15th, 2006:

    And are you not, indeed, “up to something” all the time?

    … crickets …

    I rest my case.

  5. Louise commented on September 17th, 2006:

    My husband feels the same way, if I’ve been good (a rare occurence) he spanks me anyway. “If I don’t know what you’ve done, you do” he usually remarks.


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A "Punished Delinquents In Tears" Movie:

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