Real OTK Spanking

Are you hungry for a good old-fashioned OTK spanking picture? I haven’t been posting quite as many spanking porn pictures lately, so you might well be. Here’s a bog-standard (but very cute) classic OTK position from the folks at Real Spankings:

classic bare-bottomed OTK spanking

From this gallery.

  1. calliope commented on September 18th, 2006:

    Very cute, just starting to pink up, nice soft lighting- you have to love the classics like this!

  2. Master Jack commented on October 1st, 2006:

    I like the picture above for several reasons. One is that it is a traditional over-the-knee position, which is at the heart, really, of a “real” spanking. The young lady being corrected in this photograph is having her bottom warmed, not blistered or burned. It communicates a loving, caring relationship between spanker and spankee, with the spanking being administered “for her own good.”

    I also like the fact that the spanker’s left or non-spanking hand appears to have more of a grip on the spankee’s hip than most OTK picutres show. It’s all well and good to assume the spankee has “assumed the position” and gone over the knee without a struggle and has accepted her fate and will not try to get up and get away during the spanking. But I think it is also good to hold her down firmly so she will know it is useless to try–and to know any effort to escape will only result in further punishment and a longer time before she will be able to sit comfortably again. A good example of a “good” spanking.

  3. barbra_t commented on October 28th, 2009:

    Good position to get “to the bottom” of the problem!! No panties adds to the lesson. Nice post.

  4. JL commented on November 1st, 2019:

    I agree with the above comments. I personally like to see the bottom exposed by pulling down her panties as she tries to keep them in place but s good scene just the same.

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