Bored By Her Spanking
I can well believe that at some point during somebody’s bondage and spanking games, it’s possible to get bored. You’re standing there, all tied up and no way to go anywhere, when he gets it in his head to untangle that 150-foot skein of rough hemp rope that’s somehow gotten tangled with four pairs of velcro wrist cuffs. (Er, not that I’m speaking from experience or anything, there’s nothing like that in my toybag. Moving rapidly along.) Before you know it, you’re yawning and trembling and wondering if you’re going to miss the late-night re-run of The Daily Show. It can happen.
But still, but still… perhaps it’s smarter to keep your boredom to yourself?
I think Good Girl might agree — now — after her experience complaining of boredom:
Sir said this lesson would be about implements… meaning spanking implements… items traveling at a high velocity toward my ass, breasts, thighs. yea.
He started out with 4 really really hard swats to my ass with the riding crop. I was nearly in tears after that, and he wanted this to last the entire 40 minute session, so he gave me a break after that. He left me standing in the starting position for a while, and pretty soon my ass stopped hurting and I got bored.
And then I did the stupidest thing ever – I told him I was bored. What the fuck was I thinking?!
He looked at me for a minute like I was smoking crack, and then got down to business…
Thanks for the mention! And yes, I have learned my lesson!!
(Er, not that I’m speaking from experience or anything, there’s nothing like that in my toybag. Moving rapidly along.)
gave me a good laugh.
Master Pepe’s angel