Detailed Spanking Notes

The tireless Debra Hyde, author of the Pursed Lips blog and one of the few kinky bloggers I can think of who has been blogging for much longer than I have, has decided to reinvigorate her blogging style. And to start out the business, she’s written The Perimenopausal Pornographer: Notes From My Spank-o-Files. Which turns out to be a worthy spanking essay for several reasons, starting with the wry acknowledgment of that you don’t necessarily have to be a juicy young thing to enjoy a good spanking:

It was an email like any other, landing as innocuously in my mailbox as those that arrive from various mailing lists, web sites, and on-line pitchmen. But its message was anything but innocent. Blatantly, it blared in spam proclamation, “Young women who need spankings are everywhere – maybe even on your own street!”

I scoffed, of course they’re on my street! Or at least one of them is – me. But then I looked closely at this webcam come-on and one word stuck out at me: Young.

Ah, I see. Youthful, firm butts, soft as a baby’s behind. Rounded muscles, magnificently glutinous, perhaps reaching J-Lo generosity, all unblemished by the march of time.

Well, that excludes me. I’m afraid I fall into the as-yet-undesignated category of “Mothers I’d Love to Spank.” Perhaps even leaning towards grandmother status. Either way, I’m definitely among the “mature,” according to the lexicon of today’s pornographers.

Mature though I am, sometimes I need a spanking every bit as much as those “young girls” purport to, and I’m lucky enough to have a partner who enjoys dispensing the pleasure of pain. When Thomas puts me over his knee and applies the sting of his hand to my naked, trembling rump, slapping me until I’m squirming wildly and begging him to stop, my soul is in nirvana while my body steps one foot into hell. The sting of the human hand against my flesh is far more daunting than you might imagine, far more extreme to me than a whip or quirt or even a cane. Nothing stings as fiercely and, if not for Thomas’ erection pressing into my belly, I’d probably swear off hand spanking entirely.

The essay ranges widely after that, covering wooden spoons, sports bets, canes and decision making, the personal origins of spanking kinks, and even the ever-popular topic of why we like it:

Now, if the wherefores of spanking seem simple for us, the why’s aren’t all that complicated either. Spanking comes down to one thing: erotic pleasure. I love the sensation. I relish how it courses from rump to cunt, how undeniable my lust becomes. Thomas likes the marks, the redness, my squirming reactions, and (when he hits pay dirt) how my cunt plumps, swelling until it looks feverish and ready to burst.

Seriously, read the whole thing.

  1. John commented on February 16th, 2007:

    I agree there should be no age or gender limits to
    a good spanking, I an 68 and still enjoy a good spanking with my wife, although my favorite is
    the ratton cane, we have a selection of different
    lenths and thickness to choose from my favorite
    is one about 2′ 6″ and about 1/8″ dia does that
    one sting!!!!
    my wife likes a smalll set of cat-nine-tails that
    we have one stroke with that and she is moaning
    for more

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