Barn Spanking

Sometimes, you know, you’re just in your barn, minding your own business, and you find a pretty girl tied naked to a post in there:

naked and tied in the barn

“Hey, wow, what’s this? There’s a pretty girl in bondage, in my barn! What am I gonna do? It looks like she needs a good spanking with my riding crop, don’t you think so too? But wait, it would be more fun if I turned her around and cropped her pussy, too, right?”

tied and pussy cropped in barn

From Barn BDSM For Presley Maddox. As in all the scenarios from Sex And Submission, the spanking is just the foreplay before the bondage sex.

  1. Alison Tyler commented on February 25th, 2007:

    Oooh, I love that picture… with the crop just gently pressed against her pussy.
    Never considered barns sexy before. Where have I been?
    (Living in a barn?)


  2. Amber commented on February 25th, 2007:

    This is a stable, isn’t it? Looks like a place in at the County Fair.

    Alison – that’s until you have sex on a bed of poky haybales (is that how you spell it?) :). Just kidding!

  3. SpankBoss commented on February 25th, 2007:

    Amber, there are not so many people who would quibble about the distinctions between a barn and a stable. But yeah, I rather expect it’s more stable than barn.

  4. Amber commented on February 26th, 2007:

    SB, if you went to my barn right now, you wouldn’t fancy sex, unless you have some particular form of fetish :). What you’d see is 8 little calves and a decent pile of manure, which smells accordingly. However, if you go to a hay mound (which I don’t have right now but people do), then it smells great and is an overall romantic place to be in the wintertime. I am not sure if I would fancy sex in a full stable, either, to be honest with you, although I don’t have any horses. I guess I could find something vaguely romantic in a woodshed, but again, it has to be a different time of the year.

  5. Amber commented on February 26th, 2007:

    Oh, I remember now, my then boyfriend now husband fancied some spanking/bondage sex (just like that) in the cobweby upstairs of a grainery, which was really a storage place, but once I got there, we never talked about doing it.

  6. SpankBoss commented on February 26th, 2007:

    LOL, anyplace where animals are holed up for the winter is going to have odor issues. Could be worse, we could be talking about a chicken coop!

    And everybody knows that woodsheds are for spanking! But not, I agree, in winter, which is when (to be honest) one generally goes into a woodshed.

  7. Amber commented on February 27th, 2007:

    In the chicken coop the darn chickens would be running all over you, LOL. Mind you, for me the chicken coop doesn’t smell much (in fact, mine barely smells), unlike the cow barn. But I agree, lots of fantasies could be fancied and enacted in a rural setting, too bad I am too afraid someone might show up while we are going for it. (Now, looking at this picture, I am imagining things uncontrollably).

    In fact, when I mentioned a cane to my husband, before I actually gave him one, he pointed out that we already had a hog cane (or what you call it), which, at 1″ thickness violates the rule of a thumb (a good rule, I think), as it is clearly not designed for women. Settled on some thick sturdy switches instead, before I got sucked up into the wirlpool of BDMS-y goods America has to offer (gotta stimulate the economy, right?).

  8. dave commented on April 15th, 2007:

    This is what they mean when they say taking someone to the woodshed, right?

    btw, your first sentence in your post is hilarious: “Sometimes, you know, you’re just in your barn, minding your own business, and you find a pretty girl tied naked to a post in there.”

    Dig your great blog and great sense of humor :-))

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