Baseball Bat Fetish?

This photo detail is from the cover of an old porn magazine called “Fetish In Films”. But it just makes me laugh. I mean, it’s a menacing scene and all, but if anybody actually gets hit with this bat, you don’t have a porn movie any more, you have what the police call “evidence”:

tied up for a beating with ... a bat?

Just a reminder that we’re lucky to live in an age that has decent fetish porn, even if we could wish it were better. It wasn’t so long ago that pornographers and movie makers didn’t even know what fetish was. How many people ever fetishised getting hit with a bat? (Not enough, I’m sure, to give this magazine cover the fetish sales allure its publisher hoped for.)

Picture is from Usenet.

  1. thomas commented on March 31st, 2007:

    I think your forgeting the other fetish elements in the picture. It was not to long ago that just the stockings and semi undressed woman ( and the bondage and fem dom) would have made this picture to racy for a family publication. One man’s fetish is another man’s perversion.

  2. SpankedTeacher commented on March 31st, 2007:

    Who said she was going to *hit* her with the bat? …get my drift? :D

  3. Bonnie commented on March 31st, 2007:

    Unless, of course, we happen to be playing Cricket…

  4. MAGENTA commented on April 9th, 2007:

    I believe this a still from a B grade movie titled “Love is a Four Letter Word”.

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