Serving Girls Chained And Caned

It’s good to be noble and filthy rich, the dancing girls alone are worth the price of admission:

naked dancing harem girl

But the serving wenches, they will misbehave, and sometimes you just have to have them stripped, chained, and caned:

three serving girls stripped and chained and gagged

That’s so cute, can we zoom in, please?

naked serving wenches in chains

One by one, they go over the bolster for a good caning:

naked serving wench going over the bolster for a punishment caning

The pleading gets so tiresome, don’t you think? The gags were a good call:

gagged servant girl getting caned

Sirrah, why don’t you cane this one? My caning arm is tired.

nobleman with tired arm from caning serving wenches

Just another glimpse into the epic costumed punishment dramas for which Lupus Pictures is so justly famous.

  1. Nomenclator commented on April 20th, 2007:

    It’s too late for noble, just give me filthy rich.

  2. Wintermute commented on April 21st, 2007:

    Anglo-saxon cultural imperialist that I am, it never occured to me that Lupus would be making
    films where the language spoken is not english and there are no subtitles. A beautiful feminine
    bottom soundly spanked is wonderful in any language, but especially in their elaborate production
    something is lost if you don’t understand what they’re saying. I love the sound of slavic languages
    (russian have a lovely, almost french lyricism) but still… And I will note that it IS, after all,
    called the English Vice.


  3. Shackled Serving Wenches » Bondage Blog commented on April 27th, 2007:

    […] In one of the spanking porn photo essays that make Spanking Blog so consistently amusing, a number of the pictures (originally from Lupus Pictures) feature servant girls who have been stripped, put in shackles, and gagged with uncomfortable wooden makeshift gags: […]

  4. walter commented on January 17th, 2009:

    Lupus spanking movies, are first class. all the way.

  5. Art4artsache commented on May 25th, 2010:

    Who agrees with me that proper names for body parts; egs: vagina, breasts, vulva, penis, are more erotic than gross colloquialisms eg. ‘Ass’, ‘tits’, ‘cock’, ‘prick’, & ‘cunt’? (albeit a polite euphemism like ‘bottom’ for ‘buttocks’ is an exception that proves the rule)

    No doubt there are situations in which the vulgar versions have more impact, but generally, I prefer the proper words, uttered in a superior tone at a shamefaced submissive, awaiting punishment. Wouldn’t it enhance our pleasure to see more intelligent dialogue used in the popular cartoon narratives one finds on the net? What do you top-doms all think? Revive Lupus and erotic, verbal discipline, say I.

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