Apologizing Too Late

Bratty from Bratty’s World writes about the perils of early morning lip:

Which brings us to about 6:50 this morning. Sometimes I am just bratty, one of N’s favorite habits of mine is when he barks things like “you better watch that attitude little girl” if I then reply back “you better watch YOUR attitude little girl.” Promise, it’s his faaaaavorite.

As I’m walking out the door I find myself being escorted by the arm back towards the sofa. “I can’t believe I have to make myself late for work and you late for school because I have to spank you.” Over the back of the couch I went, all he wanted was an apology and although I did apologize all the way down to the coushins, apparently that doesn’t count. :-(

Why do they make dress pants so thin? My poor booty was defenseless against those iron hands once again. He tends to spank hardest when we’re limited on time. As we speak I am sitting in class on my sore bottom, trying very hard not to shift too much in my chair.

“Baabbbbyyyy! that was hard!”

“I promise that’s just a taste of what you’ll get tonight if I hear any hint of that attitude tonight. Now scoot.”

With a pat on my booty I was off to school.

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A "Punished Delinquents In Tears" Movie:

Detention House 3: Spanked Inmates Made Very Sorry

blubbering blonde with a beaten ass
"...a heavy round wooden paddle with a hole in the middle that leaves fearsome red bruises. And then the shaking girls with beaten butts and tearful faces receive another terrible punishment..."