Puritans Whipping Quaker Women

Ah, Puritans. First persecuted, then become the persecutors, for a time they had an ugly habit of whipping Quakers. And for all their legendary prudishness, they didn’t mind parading naked ladies through the streets as long as there was whipping involved. One Margaret Brewster, on trial for having crashed a Puritan sermon, had the temerity to criticize the Quaker-whipping laws, only to be admonished:

“Margaret Brewster, you are to have your clothes stript off to the middle, and to be tied to a cart’s tail at the South Meeting House, and to be drawn through the town, and to receive twenty stripes upon your naked body.”

Thanks to The Spanking Writers for the link.

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Reform School Collective Punishment Movie:

Detention House 3: Delinquent Girls Spanked Amazingly Hard

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