I love this animated .gif of Bill Clinton spanking Hillary in the oval office:
See Also:
January 6th, 2008 | 6 Comments »
Very timely post, with the tears flowing….after the “spanking” she got in Iowa.
Hey now, let’s leave the politics to the political blogs, shall we?
I think she probably spanks him.
I was thinking that too. The picture is backwards.
I’d already been imagining Hillary as a spanker. She’s got a great I’m-in-charge look about her, and a very appealing voice. I can easily see her in that role.
Yeah, and Bill has a clear, “I’ll do anything” look to him.
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Very timely post, with the tears flowing….after the “spanking” she got in Iowa.
Hey now, let’s leave the politics to the political blogs, shall we?
I think she probably spanks him.
I was thinking that too. The picture is backwards.
I’d already been imagining Hillary as a spanker. She’s got a great I’m-in-charge look about her, and a very appealing voice. I can easily see her in that role.
Yeah, and Bill has a clear, “I’ll do anything” look to him.