Whipping Post Artwork

A nice lurid breast whipping for your entertainment:

breast whipping art

  1. calliope commented on January 14th, 2008:

    Any idea what story or book it was originally illustrating? Looks 1950ish.

  2. Virginia commented on August 25th, 2015:

    There’s no caption giving the date published but I would be interested in when in history were the first drawings/photographs/movie scene of tit and pussy whipping published/shown?

    The first trace of it I know in movies comes from the dungeon scene in ‘Poor Cecily’ (1974 I think) which has some full-on tit whipping and hints of pussy whipping. And you can find plenty of 1970s era tit whipping black-and-white porn magazine/journal pictures on the Web, though pussy whipping scenes from the same time are non-existent.

    Go back further to the 1960s and before and even tit whipping is very rare, and pussy whipping apparently unheard-of let alone photographed or drawn from an artists imagination.

    Now of course there’s plenty of modern porn movies and pictures of bondage models being tit and pussy thrashed/whipped/flogged silly (many with them coming from pussy whipping). But when did it all start in the media?

  3. SpankBoss commented on August 26th, 2015:

    The Story of O was first published in 1954 with its notorious pussy-whipping scene; I’m sure there must have been depictions (however direct or implied) in the many many many movie adaptations filmed subsequently.

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