The Seductive Power Of Words

From Swan at The Heron Clan:

He began to talk about what He wanted to do with me and to me. He spoke low about wanting to take me over His knee and blister me, while I squirmed and cried and begged. He talked of sending me to the corner with the rubber punishment strap to contemplate how much it would hurt landing over and over on my already bruised and burning bottom, until I was ready to come to Him and ask for the strapping that He would give me. He mused about how rainy our weather has been, and wondered if the spring wouldn’t bring a particularly plentiful crop of switches; saying that it would be good to keep me switched on a regular basis.

At first, I wanted to contradict the images He was creating. After all, I had not done anything to warrant such harsh beatings… I’d been “good…” But somehow, the words caught me, and I didn’t fuss at Him. I simply let myself fall into the stories He was telling me — stories like I might have told myself in the dark, lonely, silence of the night. I relaxed into His embrace, followed His words and His voice, let His strong hands work their magic, and began to rise to the heat that He was creating.

This time, when we came together to make love, I was more than ready to follow the trail on which He had set me travelling.

  1. Naughtythoughts commented on January 31st, 2008:

    To me, the images created in my mind from what he says, and how I hear his words, alibeit in my mind, create a strong and sensual bond. He’s telling me how much he cares for me, how he will protect me, love me and yes teach me. He wants me to know and consent to his love and protection. == In essense, it is a Love Poem…

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