Fun With Google: Whip Dancers

So, I was Googling around looking for bull pizzle whips, and since there were no useful results in English, I got bored and started using the Google translator to give me synonyms for “whip” in various languages. I wound up searching for “плетки” in the Russian version of Google images. Did I expect to find pizzle whips this way? Hardly. But I figured I’d find something fun.

As indeed I did!

Allow me to present a group of what seem to be bachelor-party entertainers out of Krasnoyarsk. They’re very cute and easy on the eyes, they work under the name The Show Ballet, and here we have them doing a whip dance:

whip dancers from russia

more whip dancers

And that, my friends, is what I call search engine serendipity.

  1. JBL commented on February 2nd, 2008:

    I had never thought of that. I have worn out searching for corporal punishment, OTK, spanking, schoolgirls etc on Youtube. Perhaps some of our international or multi-lingual friends could recommend some other search terms to try?

  2. SpankBoss commented on February 2nd, 2008:

    JBL, I get good results typing single words into the Google machine translator, then copying the result into the search engine of your choice. Navigating to a non-English Google — like — also helps.

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