Bride And Bullwhip

These are not the marriage customs I am used to, but one can see the advantages. Does bullwhipping the bride on her wedding day tend to reinforce her promise to love, honor, and especially, obey?

bride gets whipped with a bullwhip

Perhaps we ought rightly to be skeptical, but it surely seems worth a try, no?

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  1. Sekhmet commented on January 30th, 2009:

    Poor thing.

  2. Master David Goodmen commented on October 25th, 2010:

    Greetings SB, and all,

    Yes: “bullwhipping the bride on her wedding day…” IS “…worth a try…”!!

    You say, “…one can see the advantages.”, but without listing any of those advantages! (For shame!) My take on the subject:
    1. she will make sure to marry a real Man. No responsibility=no way!
    …(A man who cannot WELCOME responsibility, is junk! IMO)
    2. she feels her Man’s power:
    …a He WILL punish wrongdoing,
    …b He HAS overcome society’s programming (“brainwashing”, if you prefer),
    …c If he is unwilling to do this, then forget about him having any strength of will.
    …d she knows He is no “absentee landlord”, and that He will run His house His way!
    4. Dynamite sex. (For lesser folks, this is the only important reason. Too bad, because they will never experience this!)
    5. By welcoming His bullwhipping of her, she is showing how much He means to her, and how thoroughly she gives herself to Him.
    6. As He tends the welts and stripes He made, the couple’s intimacy makes them grow closer.

    If people really paid attention to one another BEFORE marriage, then they would stay together with their chosen. To be blunt, a bullwhipping is less painful than a divorce!!

    Master Goodmen

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