Whipped And Whimpering

I really like the antique furnishings in this old pulp illustration. The lamps, the basin and pitcher, the narrow brass bed in the tiny bedroom, the whole bit. And, of course, the old-fashioned domestic-discipline style whipping:

woman whipped in her bedroom

The caption in tiny print in the upper left reads: “She was pink and naked, whimpering on the floor.” Brutal!

Found on one of the Usenet groups that’s been delivering a fair bit of vintage BDSM lately.

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  1. Gaotweed commented on April 30th, 2008:

    What’s with all the heavy-duty BDSM stuff lately – I thought this was THE SPANKING BLOG. What’s wrong with doing what it says on the tin?

  2. SpankBoss commented on April 30th, 2008:

    Goatweed, why don’t you try doing exactly the same thing every day for five years. Then, get back to me in 2013 or so, and tell me how it went?

  3. Jim commented on April 30th, 2008:

    Variety being the spice of life, please carry on with the great work!

  4. M commented on April 30th, 2008:

    I like how the whip and wall lamp make an abstract outline of the female form.

  5. SpankBoss commented on April 30th, 2008:

    Thanks, Jim. I do work at the variety, which is why I snarked a bit at the guy complaining about it. ;-)

  6. Charlie commented on October 8th, 2013:

    It’s gone pretty well so far, I suppose :P

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