Mouth Soaping

I know there are a lot of mouthsoaping fans out there, but not very much mouth soaping porn. And I’m sure many of you would prefer a “sweet schoolgirl” punishment scene to the sort of “lesbian boarding school from hell” ambiance of the Chanta’s Bitches photoshoots. But hey, spanking and mouth soaping is where you find it, right?

Here’s our bad girl Trinity Post, wearing panties that show off the extreme cuteness of her butt:

trinity post gets a schoolgirl spanking

Here she is getting a combination spanking and mouth soaping:

bondage mouthsoaping and spanking for naughty schoolgirl

And now the camera zooms in on the soap and her unhappy expression:

mouth soap punishment for bad school girl

I’m sure we’ll hear no more foul language from this girl!

See Also:

  1. Adele Haze commented on May 26th, 2008:

    Oooh, good find. I love the facial expression in the last one.

    It’s not easy to convince somebody to shoot a mouth-soaping for some reason. Nice people at Lupus said they might do it next time I’m over there, but I think they forgot…

  2. SpankBoss commented on May 26th, 2008:

    They were mesmerized by your butt-wiggling I’m sure. Why else would they be in the business they are in? ;-)

  3. Dave commented on May 31st, 2008:

    Photo analysis appears to reveal that soap may be Irish Spring. Fine choice for a mouth soaping when you want that fresh spring clean feeling.

  4. Philip Kemp commented on June 6th, 2008:

    Never really been a fan of mouth-soaping. A key point of giving a spanking, I’ve always reckoned, is to ensure the naughty girl’s attention is fully focused on what’s happening to her bottom – so the last thing you want is something that’s going to distract her from that. By the same token, I don’t go in for putting her in stress positions to receive punishment – arms suspended from an overhead beam, or the like. Make sure she’s comfortable, I reckon, before you start making her UNcomfortable.

  5. SpankBoss commented on June 6th, 2008:

    Fair enough, Philip, but one of the great things about kinky life is that everybody’s fetishes fall out just a little but different. I know (know of, rather) some girls who like the spankings a lot, but also enjoy being made to feel bad and naughty; since the spanking is just big fun for them, they want and need some other stimulus (mouth soaping or stressful bondage being two examples) to reinforce the “I’ve been bad and I’m being punished” feeling.

  6. Midnight commented on June 24th, 2008:

    “I’ve always reckoned, is to ensure the naughty girl’s attention is fully focused on what’s happening to her bottom”

    The soaping underscores that the spanking is for foul language. When she cries, some of that soap solution ends up in here tears and nose making her remember the spanking.

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