Nettles, The Awful Truth

This is from Slaveminxi:

They darnwell sting, and not only at the time but for 24 hours afterwards.

Master decided to use some of the nettles growing in abundance around the farm on my tits at the weekend, it felt like i was being stung with a bazzilion kazzilion little needles all at once.

Even after 24 hours there was a dull reminder that they had been tortured, or was that from the riding crop being used on bound tight tits – hmmm, i wonder!!!??

In more local news, after this post and the discussion in the comments I finally got off my butt and got my nettle seeds germinated; they are sprouting nicely in a pair of pots by my computer. The seedlings are just starting to develop their serrated leaf shape, and the first tiny hairs (the stingy bit) are starting to become visible. Bethie is currently in the “I’m trying to pretend those pots don’t exist” state of denial…

  1. calliope commented on May 29th, 2008:

    The burning pain from nettles is caused by the base solution they sort of inject into the skin; the sting is best removed by placing white vinigar soaked paper towels over the effected areas after washing with cool water and soap and a washcloth to remove most of the stingers. The acid neutralizes the base which is causing the pain.

    As to getting info from the plant aunt-would she fall for Bethie asking for info on where they are found, because she wants to make some nettle soup (to torment you). Or would that be just as non-believeable? For that matter, could you even get her to do the asking, I wonder…

  2. kaya commented on May 29th, 2008:

    Oh the jealousy runneth over. Lucky Bethie!

  3. pinkcoupe commented on June 3rd, 2008:

    You can get the seeds at for $2.49. Have fun!!!

  4. Spanking Bethie » The Nettles Are Growing! commented on July 2nd, 2008:

    […] Dan noticed his nettles were growing so fast that he needed to do a little pruning. That meant he finally had an excuse to […]

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