Whip Interrogator

Is it just me, or does the guy with the whip seem a little unenthusiastic about his job?

whip scene from the cover of a pulp novel

From the cover of an ancient pulp called “The Interrogators”.

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  1. Wolfie138 commented on August 12th, 2008:

    looks like he’s wondering who bent his pool cue :-D

  2. Susan commented on August 12th, 2008:

    No, Dan…he most DEFINITELY seems unenthusiastic about his job! Silly statue!

  3. Mia commented on August 13th, 2008:

    lol, he’s very ho-hum. maybe the presented bum or back is not up-to-snuff?

  4. Makea commented on August 13th, 2008:

    I want to whip her.

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