The Four Stages Of A Good Spanking

I found a fun little spanking gallery at Rosy Red Cheeks [2015 update: now defunct] the other day. I think it illustrates the four stages of an excellent spanking: Surprise, Unhappiness, Acceptance, and “Secks Time Now?”

Allow me to illustrate:

Surprise: “Hey mister, what in the hell are you doing back there?”

otk belt spanking in the park

Unhappiness: “Hey! Oww! HEY! Stoppit stoppit! Ow, my HAIR!”

pulling her hair and spanking her

Acceptance: “Hey, this isn’t so bad. In fact…”

she\'s hanging on for dear life and starting to realize she\'s enjoying her spanking

Naked Time: Sex and Smiles

spanking and sex and smiles all around

And didn’t she turn out to be a regular smiling beauty, when all was said and done?

See Also:

  1. Kars commented on September 5th, 2008:

    She must have been really naughty.

  2. Invidia commented on September 6th, 2008:

    I don’t see a red glow on her bottom anywhere . . . He must not be very good at this spanking thing.

    It always amazes me too how much better most men look with their clothes on. He looks great in his suit and tie – very authoritative and sexy. But with his clothes off, his hair ruffled, and those horrid tattoos showing, he looks like some kid from a garage band. Blah! Not sexy.


  3. SpankBoss commented on September 6th, 2008:

    Invidia, imagine my psychic pain — having a red/green color vision deficiency, I don’t see “red glows” anywhere in spanking porn unless they are more like “flaming red” or there are vivid welts. It makes it pretty tough to tell the “posed to look like spanking porn” from the actual spanking porn. :(

    But that’s OK — a steady diet of the posed / fakey stuff would get old fast, but I like to include an occasional sample if it’s reasonable well posed. And I think this girl’s cute once she starts smiling. The guy? Meh, I’m not here to look at the guys, but yeah, he’s kinda fugly once he takes off his clothes. Men’s clothes are indeed astonishingly well designed in their basics; it’s tough for any man to look bad in basic business attire.

  4. Invidia commented on September 7th, 2008:

    Oh dear, I didn’t mean to cause you any psychic pain. Please accept my apologies.

    She is very cute; I’ll give you that.

    He might get her to make cuter faces if he held the belt properly though. :-P


  5. SpankBoss commented on September 8th, 2008:

    Invidia, no worries — it wasn’t you, it’s the legions of red bottoms that I cannot see that cause the psychic pain. ;-)

  6. Bethie commented on September 8th, 2008:

    What’s bad is that it takes a whole lot of spanking to get my tough bottom red enough for him to see even the slightest red! The poor man has to spank long and hard with an array of implements to get the desired blush on my bottom. He’s dedicated though so it works out. ;-)

  7. KittySlave commented on September 8th, 2008:

    Bethie, I feel your pain…my bottom is’s very sensitive at first, so even using his hand makes me squirm & yelp, but after a few moments, I get used to that. My guy (not a spanking fan yet!) finally got brave enough the other day to try more than just his hand (he got frustrated with the ineffectiveness of it) & broke out a strap..which eventually lost it’s touch, followed by a cutting board that is plastic, but oh so conveniently shaped like a paddle. (perverts those chefs..the whole lot of them! ;) ) Sadly however, he freaked out part of the way and drew the whole thing to a halt, due blood “all over the paddle.” Come to find out he was swatting in the same spot, and it drew the teensiest bit of blood (a big whopping 3 specks lol), so he’s regressed somewhat. Grrrrr.

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