Goodbye, Bettie

She’s gone. We’ll miss her.

betty page enjoys a spanking

betty page showing her spankable bottom

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  1. David commented on December 14th, 2008:

    If there was ever a trailblazer (“tail-blazer?” :) ) or gutsy pioneer in this industry/kink/space, even before Ed Lee to whom we owe muchas gracias as well, it was Betty. Farewell and thanks, you courageous pathfinder. I owe a lot to you.


  2. Girl commented on December 14th, 2008:

    I’m a little heart broken right now…

  3. kaya commented on December 15th, 2008:

    I misread your title to read “Goodbye Bethie” and near about had a heart attack. Don’t do that to a girl!

  4. SpankBoss commented on December 15th, 2008:

    Yowza! One little letter makes all the difference.

    Nope, Kaya, before that could happen she’d have to learn to run away in straight lines instead of little circles. ;-)

  5. Rose Red commented on December 15th, 2008:

    Very sad. I’ve noticed it’s interesting to see all the write-ups about her life in the mainstream media. Did you see the article in the times? They even have a slide show, but sadly, none of her more interesting pictures.

  6. Mvaney commented on December 17th, 2008:

    There are some people when they pass, I am amazed that they are still alive. Bettie is one of the people that will never die, even though they pass. She lived a sad life in many ways, but never shied away from the pictures that were taken of her. Even in her 80s, she had a rare beauty and a smile that could melt hearts. And I thought it noteworthy that the Huffington Post included spanking photos in their article on Bettie — she could get away with a lot!

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