Santa Spanking A Naughty Girl

After years of leaving switches for naughty girls who can’t take a hint, it appears that Santa Claus has finally updated his methods, and has begun administering badly needed spankings directly:

santa claus spanking a blonde

Merry Christmas everybody!

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  1. dan duffy commented on December 24th, 2008:

    Judging from the direction of Santa’s focus, he might be receiving instructions or encouragement. Or both. He’s doing quite a good job, from the looks of it. Of course, I like to think she’s getting exactly what she wanted all along… Thanks, Santa.

  2. Richard Windsor commented on December 24th, 2008:

    A merry Christmas to you as well, Spankboss, here’s to another year of THE original spanking blog on the Internet :-)

  3. z commented on December 25th, 2008:

    That’s always been one of my fantasies. Have to get my husband to dress up as Santa some year. ;-)

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A "Punished Delinquents In Tears" Movie:

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"...a heavy round wooden paddle with a hole in the middle that leaves fearsome red bruises. And then the shaking girls with beaten butts and tearful faces receive another terrible punishment..."