Regulation Knickers

I hope you’ll all forgive me for the lack of knickers in these two shots from Regulation Knickers:

paddle spanking from

caning photo from

I’m sure she was wearing them at some point.

Update: Although the Regulation Knickers site no longer exists, these movies from Uniform Discipline exhibit much the same spirit. Enjoy!

  1. Hermione commented on June 11th, 2009:

    You should have done it as a “what’s wrong with this picture” – LOL


  2. Goddess with a Whip commented on June 11th, 2009:

    Damn that’s a thick paddle.

  3. Jenie commented on June 13th, 2009:

    or maybe not, hence the reason for the whipping lol.

  4. Maria_Ping commented on June 13th, 2009:

    What a great set. She is so angry in the second picture. It doesnt even look like she has been whipped yet. And the first pic, how great is that. Very hot. I so wish I had a room I could scream like that in. My last few sessions noise has been an issue so we have had to use long glue sticks, like from a glue gun. Talk about silent but deadly, They hurt worse than almost anything, it is horrible.
    But I love these pics, Thank you for posting them.
    I always love your Blog so much:) :) :)

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A "Punished Delinquents In Tears" Movie:

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blubbering blonde with a beaten ass
"...a heavy round wooden paddle with a hole in the middle that leaves fearsome red bruises. And then the shaking girls with beaten butts and tearful faces receive another terrible punishment..."