The Bollywood Smack

Chross has clips from a Bollywood movie called Judwaa in which actress Karisma Kapoor gets a couple of well-delivered, and presumably well-deserved, smacks on her behind. I had to run up these three screen shots and share my mental captions:

Karisma Kapoor gets a spanking

First screen: Muscle boy sees bottom, falls in love with bottom.
Second screen: Muscle boy can’t resist, winds up for a good one.
Third screen: Girl senses disturbance in the force, whirls around. Muscle boy: “What? Doing my Tai Chi here!”

  1. Spanker commented on July 19th, 2009:

    The Muscle Boy is a Superstar of India, Salman Khan. This scene was really funny in this movie.

  2. Dave commented on July 20th, 2009:

    But who let him wear that God-awful mesh shirt? That is SO wrong.



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