Prayer Will Not Save You From This Punishment

Her hands are clasped in an attitude of prayer, but I do not think it will save her from a paddle spanking before bedtime:

pants down for a paddle spanking over the end of her own bed

Nope, it didn’t.

painful paddling and spanking

And as every spanked girl knows, putting her hand back like that is only going to make things worse:

putting her hand back to fend off the paddle, earning ten more swats

From Girls Boarding School.

See Also:

  1. Natty commented on August 31st, 2009:

    Loved the first picture with the folded hands, but that last picture — and I know one frame of a movie can be misleading — is about the least demonstrative a model I’ve ever seen. She looks like she’s in the middle of a geometry class trying to stay awake. Or uncomfortably trying to follow directions that seem utterly foreign.

    But, again, the first picture is a keeper. ;-)

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Reform School Collective Punishment Movie:

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