Redressing The Scourge Of Bachelorhood

Do you suppose the bachelor in question will find a use for his foppish cane?

exhibition of the league against bachelors

  1. calliope commented on September 20th, 2009:

    Translation please?

  2. Dave commented on September 20th, 2009:

    excellent vintage find, but not quite sure I understand the general concept. But most intriguing, nonetheless.

    Perhaps he is choosing his next mate by manner of which posterior he deems superior….

  3. Rob of NYC commented on September 20th, 2009:

    It says right there – Exhibition of the League Against Bachelors

  4. dan duffy commented on September 21st, 2009:

    This post and preceding one make nice bookends. Thematically speaking, that is.

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How It Started And How It's Going, The Movie:

Wild Party 2: Five Very Sorry Girls

before and after brutal caning photo
"...thirty vicious cane strokes for each delinquent young woman caught drinking on school grounds..."