Nice Spanking Comeback

Google turns up the most amusing things.

It seems a UK fellow named Craig Murray attracted the following troll comment on his political blog:

Apparently you enjoy sex with a kilt on and like to smack womens arses while singing Scottish songs.

His response?

I am shocked. You mean there’s another way to have sex?

I can just hear it now, as if through the wall of a cheap hotel room:

I will build my love a bower {SMAK!}
Near yon clear as crystal fountain, {POW!}
And there on it I will place, {WHAK!}
All the flowers of the mountain, {WHAP!}
Will you go, lassie, go? {SMACK SMACK SMACK!}

  1. Jose Cheung commented on October 3rd, 2009:

    Ain’t no troll like a UK troll, ’cause a UK troll is droll…best comment to Murray’s response:

    “If it is the Dundee Councillor Helen Wright she has a cheek.”

    I just came by to share this photo:

    From one of the comments, this is probably in San Diego’s Balboa Park. From the baseball cap, I’d guess it’s near the Hall of Champions sports museum, but I haven’t found any more info about it. Is this a well-know spanko tourist destination?

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